Vivi Maidanik is a mixed-media freelance illustrator based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She draws inspiration from travel, nature, and everyday life. Her style features organic lines, textured shapes, and soft palettes, to capture a playful and attentive approach to small details.
Her artwork explores the beauty of slowing down and living in the moment.
She enjoys collaborating with clients on editorial, book covers, and advertising projects to create artwork that resonates with their audience.
You can reach out to her at vmaidanik@gmail.com
Clients: Los Angles Times - Editorial Guadal - Wrappr - Roundtable Journal - Casa de Piedra - Revista Endémico - Feels - Popshot Quarterly
Vivi Maidanik es una ilustradora de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Ella encuentra inspiración en los viajes, la naturaleza y la vida cotidiana. Su estilo se caracteriza por el uso de líneas orgánicas, texturas y paletas suaves. Usa composiciones lúdicas para explorar la belleza de los pequeños detalles.
Colabora con clientes en proyectos editoriales, portadas de libros y campañas publicitarias para crear ilustraciones que resuenen con su audiencia.
Para contactarla, escribile a vmaidanik@gmail.com
❖ 'Bits & Pieces', experimental drawing and writing workshop. Atelier 8.18, Vancouver, Canada. 2024.
❖ 'Drawing Night', creative illustration workshop. Illustration Ladies Milano, Milan, Italy. 2023.
❖ 'La poesía de los días', exploring the perception of everyday life through drawing and writing (hosted with Ju Radicich). Tinta Talleres. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2023.
❖ 'Countless Greens', solo exhibition. BADA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2024.
❖ 'Memory, Place & Distance', collective exhibition. Atelier 8.18, Vancouver, Canada. 2024.
❖ World Illustration Awards 2022 Longlist, "Design Product & Packaging". AOI, UK.
❖ The Picturebook Showcase 2022 Longlist, "The Color of Time". dPictus Picturebook Makers.
❖ Roundtable Journal, UK.
❖ Ramonamag, Australia.
❖ Anuario de Ilustradores Nº13, "An illustrated deck of cards", Argentina.
❖ Anuario de Ilustradores Nº12 "The fantastically illustrated wordplay", Argentina.
❖ Anuario de Ilustradores Nº11 "The white one", Argentina.